Supermom Saily Ghag-Dongre - Acing it at home, killing it at work
“Motherhood is magical. It grants you the power to fall in love with someone before even meeting them.”
Supermom Saily’s views, senses of balance and exceptional personality has us eulogizing her. While talking to the humble and wonderful Mom, our belief in motherhood and its beauty was strengthened. The advice of a Mama who is also killing it on the work front is not just unique, but also very helpful for all new caregivers and parents who strive for balance.
One of the most common questions a modern day mom is asked, often relates to her balancing a professional and personal life. Some might also question the context of this question considering why fathers or men in general are not asked the same question. But we believe when it comes to new parents and caregivers, it is fairly challenging for anyone irrespective of their gender, to make time for a new life who is totally dependent on them for several years. In fact, to us it is quite mind-boggling how new caregivers manage to get anything done with a bunch of absolute bliss in their home! Puppy eyes aside, we admire all parents for their undying efforts and beautiful optimism. We have a special place in our hearts for Supermom Saily Ghag-Dongre, who is an epitome of balance and inspires us beyond words can explain.

Saily felt like a Supermom right since she conceived Aahan. She credits the balance she has achieved between work and personal life, to her little son who has helped her sort out her priorities. She finds magic in motherhood and loves her son for all that he is and all that he will be.
“I love my motherhood more than anything because I have someone waiting for me at home who I can love unconditionally without anything in return except love.”
We find a real lesson in Saily’s words as well. Every Mom is a Supermom, for she has the blessing called motherhood. We are sure an angelic face is inspiration enough for all Mamas to strike the balance between work and home. Aahan will certainly grow up taking inspiration from his Supermom.
Being a mom is a full time job but since Saily has a better insight into working outside the house and being a mom inside the house, we would not let her go without asking for some golden words of advice for all our lovely caregivers out there. Her advice is simple yet rare. Supermom Saily says, “Don’t be too hard on yourself. You have given birth to your child, you can handle both your profession and your motherhood because you are chosen to be a mother and you can do it.” Saily considers being a mom as the greatest role in her lifetime and she is immensely grateful to be a mother.

We really hope Supermom Saily’s story helps you in some way or the other. If your dilemma of balancing work and home had any clarity after reading this, do let us know! Whether you leave the house to get work done or not, being a Mom in itself inspires us from miles away. There are going to be mellow days and gray ones but we know for sure that either way, all the Supermoms are killing it out there. Keep shining!